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Safe Streets

Evidence-based violence prevention & interruption program that works in high violence areas.

About Us

Safe Streets is a public health initiative aimed at reducing shootings and homicides in targeted areas of Baltimore City. It is a movement holding the belief that violence is a disease that can be cured. Safe Streets employs credible messengers that were born and raised in the community and who are well known in the community. They are taught conflict resolution and conflict mediation training and then injected back into their communities as the antidote against the disease of violence. This is achieved by targeting and building rapport with the high risk and key individuals who are likely to be the victims of a shooting or homicide.

View our FY24 Report

Who We Serve

Safe Streets is an evidence-based violence prevention and interruption program that works to reduce shootings and homicides in high violence areas, operated by Catholic Charities in collaboration with the Baltimore City Department of Health and the Mayor’s Office for Neighborhood Safety and Engagement.
Safe Streets employees deliver a unified message that violence is not acceptable.

Mission: To reduce violence in Baltimore City using a health approach and behavior change methods. –Adapted from Cure Violence

Vision: A safe Baltimore through the reduction and possible elimination of violence. –Adapted from Cure Violence

Who We Are: Credible messengers; healthcare workers. In 2021, Safe Streets mediated 534 conflicts that would otherwise have resulted in gun violence.


  • Job Referrals & Resources
  • Housing Referrals
  • Drug Treatment Referrals
  • GED Referrals
  • Clothing
  • Food
  • Driving School
  • Birth Certificates
  • Social Security Cards
  • Community Events


For general inquiries, please call or send a message.

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